Check this out. Great find for any horse lover

Every week I get a new horse photo, and they are always very nice.
  The horse photos are just fun to find in my mail box.  Enjoy!!
Hope all is off to a great start for the Holiday season.
Whinnys Roberta

Photo for December 12, 2014

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” ~ Edith Stilwell

   Well there is no denying it, winter is here! It has been snowing all week here and it is white and beautiful outside…
Please visit my Gallery of winter images, use the password wintergallery. If any of my Northeast friends would like to ride or model in the snow for me, please get on touch, I’m game if you are!

Have a great weekend and stay warm!

Published in: on December 12, 2014 at 4:09 pm  Leave a Comment  
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the old mare

Every single time, I opened the gate to feed the herd in the morning  that old  mare would run anyone over that got in her way, including me.    I only had her a few weeks,  but I still had not found the time to re-train her to be more respectful of her handlers.

I had brought the old mare from a breeding farm and the only thing she knew was food and babies.   I had got it into my mind that she was just too old to change and that the effort would just take too much time.

Pam, my neighbor can over early one morning for coffee after which we both headed to the barn to do some chores.   There was that old mare just waiting for someone to open that gate.   Pam never knew what hit her.  The second  Pam opened that gate,  that old mare knocked her clean off her feet, before I could even  get a word out of my mouth for her to watch out.

Pam,  got back on her feet and came nose to nose with me, asking me what the heel I was doing not teaching that mare a few barn manners.

It did get pretty loud for a few minutes.

But she was right, I should have found the time.   I find it extremely easy at times, to talk myself out of doing things I know might be difficult, but still need to be done.

It seems at times, I would prefer to have less of a life and be lazy, then to grit my teeth and forge my way through the problem.   Why do you think we settle for less in our lives than we are truly capable of becoming?

Why do you think we put up with circumstances, that with some effort, focus  and inspiration we can fix and overcome?

Why do you think we wait, until the circumstance make us change?

Here is a statement that I try to remember: ”

When you have a  mountain to climb, circling your horse around the bottom won’t make it any smaller.

P.S.  From that day forward, that old mare waited her turn.

Just facing a few mountains of my own this morning.  I think I will put on some climbing boots and start heading up.    How about you?  Any ones you need to start climbing?

I do not want to wait until the circumstances in my life make me change.  It seems at those moments the lessons are always harder.

Greet the world like your horse greets you, as if there is no tomorrow.

Just start climbing and keep on being the  WHINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY!!

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Edstrom

You can easy  make a difference for an hungry, abused horse.    Horse memorial page.

Prizes every day for Knot-a-Tail’s April, 2010 all month-long Anniversary Bash

Visit Roberta on Facebook

Published in: on May 23, 2010 at 2:29 pm  Comments (1)  
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Riding with a loose rein

I don’t know if  I have  brushed  more horses in my barn or in my dreams.  I can spend hours just grooming a horse.   I think by now I can  draw them with my eyes closed   just pretending  that I am running my hands over their magnificent bodies.   Every inch of their bodies  memorized in the palms  of my hands has  forever captured their beauty and by now it has been  blueprinted permanently into my imagination.

When my son was training horses with me, I  actually spent more time being the  groom.  I would get up before the sun, of course make a cup of welcoming, aromatic, stimulating coffee, fill a thermos and head to the barn.   I would feed and then bring  the  first horse   from their stall and start getting them  ready.

I loved this part.   I had made a leather pouch with about 20 slots to hold all of my most favorite grooming brushes and tools.  Since, I also had a tack store, I had quite the collection of brushes.

I would put  the trainee in the cross ties, and start with a bug hug and a few nice,  gentle strokes down the horse nose and face.

I just had to say hello.

I would grab one of my favorite stiffer body brushes, and start by the poll and start working my way down the neck always following the lay of the land.   I have kind of a system of my own.  I would make a quick stroke with the  brush in  my right hand and  and follow with the same path with my bare  left hand.   My hands would qietly cross at  the bottom of the  stroke as the bristle of the brush would send the caught hair and dirt dancing to the beams of the morning sunlight.

I have done it that way since I can remember.   Not only to I enjoy using  my bare hand to stroke the horse’s entire body, but it has serves another purpose as well.  I can feel down to the  horse  skin across  that way.  I can feel any  lumps, bruises, bits  or a cut that perhaps my eyes might have missed and would go unnoticed by brushing alone.

Down the neck, across the width of their chests to where the hairs change direction in the center and than  changing to a softer bush, I would head down the front legs.

Next to the withers, across the back and down and around the girth area, paying particular attention to  the  area where the cinch goes is perfectly clean.   Back up to the top of the hips, around the hind quarters,  down the hind leg brushing my way on  both sides.

Always taking notice  to what my bare hand would  feel.  I was looking for the horse to be uncomfortable  in any certain spots  or finding out why he might  not  be enjoying his morning grooming.  Just kind of quietly asking him in anything was wrong.

Once, to the bottom of the leg, I would pull a hoof pick out of my back pocket and  make sure they  were clean, conditioned and ready to go.

By habit, I always saved the best for last.   Using my softest brush, I would start between the eyes, and make my way up and around by the ears.  down the ever so strong cheek bones, and with the softest bushes I could muster, I went every so slowly down and around the  muzzle.

I love to see how the ends of the hair start to glisten, after a good brushing.  The oils from their coats start to emerge and change with every stroke of the brush,  like the creating your own painting on a living canvass.

I love it when the finale moments how a horse  will  melt in  my hands.  How they every so slightly lean into the brush and let you know how good it feels to them.  How much they enjoy the time that I have just spent with them.   It has created the passions of my life  that have forged  a life long passion in my heart.

Total trust,  venerability. and unconditional  love shared and captured in a single moment of time.

But lately, I have been asking myself why do I not allow myself to  become that close, that intimate, that loving with all  those around me.    Not the bushing part, but taking the time, paying that much attention, finding out their needs, or their pain  to allow them to melt in unconditional love,  unconditional love from me.

I fear that it is a lack of trust.  How ofter does a horse get abused, hurt, injured and still come back to our arms with so much unconditional love that it melts our hearts like nothing else in our lives ever have before?   The answer is Countless, they are endless with forgiveness.

They just allow themselves to be loved and in allowing that love in, they bring it back ten fold.  No questions asked.  They seem to know what is more in our hearts than we do.

I often tell my heart that is just fine, that I will be safe, and my  world will be OK,  if I  open up my heart  and offer unconditional love to everyone within my path.  But it seems as soon as my mouth opens, it expresses something else never mention not allowing my heart to fully open.

The ego is a funny thing.  We think that we run our lives, that we have the ultimate word, but the reality is, that if we are not forgiving  enough not only to ourselves but to others, then   it is our past hurts, bruises, cuts and scrapes that run our lives.

We remember more of the moments of  pain than the gratitude of all the blessing that came in between.  It is  hurtful remarks from strangers we remember more than  all the love from those that are close.

I told my son a thousand times how handsome he was when he was growing up, but he never believed it until a stranger told him.    On the other hand, I have been told a million times how smart I am, how creative I am, but I still have a hard time  keeping it close and living in the truth of that one reality.

Why is it we beleive more from others than we know what is in our own heart and soul.    No one knows me, better than me.  We were made to love and be loved,  both ourselves and others.  That is life.   Short and sweet, the rest is just the carrots for dessert.

The one thing that humans want more than anything else is love and acceptance and yet it is the last thing we seem to give of ourselves, me included.

If I were truly livin’ for the whinny, then for today, I need to open my heart and let out every thing that time and I have allowed to be locked inside.

I need to melt in my own arms of unconditional love.

If I can do that just for today, then tomorrow  I can gather more strength to try again.   By learning this lesson from the horses around me, I can learn to be more of what I know  is in my heart is true.  Just to love with all that I am,  just to love all the whinny’s in my life, just like the horses around me.

I have a question for you.   Have you let the reins  on your heart all the way out and let all of the love inside loose?  Do you ride with a loose rein on your heart, or are you holding them so tight you find no release to your  own spirit?

How do you saddle-up your own heart?   Do you saddle-up so tight that you ache for release?   Do the scars run so deep, the pain and suffering so bad, that you can not let them go?

Then remember this:  Only the truest and deepest loves come from the most undigested parts of mankind for they have always brought out the greatest gifts and treasures from within  once they are released. 

Ready to change your life and “Live “ the Whinny!

Greet the world like your horse greets you, as if there is no tomorrow.

Let it all go and just be the  WHINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY!!

Let the reins on your heart loose until there is nothing else left to hold on to and start having the ride of you life, the one you dream about every minute.

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Edstrom

Let some of your pain go, and tell your story on Knot-a-Tail’s Horse memorial page.
For every story that is posted to the memorial page, Knot-a-Tail donates a dollar to the local Horse rescue to help save the life of another horse. Your story can help save a life.

Your horse changed your life, and you can help change the life of another, together united by  the  love of a horse.

Prizes every day for  Knot-a-Tail’s April, 2010 all month-long Anniversary Bash

Visit Roberta on Facebook

Totally just for fun…. a Facebook quiz:
“How horse crazy are you?

Published in: on April 25, 2010 at 1:19 pm  Comments (3)  
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The impossible

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow,

What I know to be a true fact of life, is that horse lovers dream the impossible.  In fact, they live for the impossible.  I hear of women  everyday in their 40 and 50’s finally finding a way to get their first horse.  They dreamed on having one since they were  kids and never let go. How many times do you think they heard that they were crazy.

I have a friend named Dawn, who lives in Northern WI which is in the middle of nowhere.   She dreams of winning a pleasure class at the AQHA world show.  I have known Dawn  for almost 20 years, and every year, inch by inch, she has worked and trained her butt off to keep that dream moving forward.

She drives over 300 miles, sometimes twice a week to train with the best that she can afford.  She works endless hours at the local feed shop to pay for the training, travel and all the other expenses to be able to continue moving forward towards her dream.   Her dedication never wavers.

Even more so, I have heard others ask her why, what for, are you not getting too old, why bother?  But you know what,  it is the love of a horse that keeps, what may seem as impossible, dreams alive.

I have been so proud of Dawn since the day I met her.  I know she will never give up on her dream.

Success comes to those who take on one more inch when they think they can not  move even one more step.

So today, move just one more step towards you impossible dream, more one more inch, one more ride, earn one more dollar.

Just wanted to let you know that I believe in you.  Horse lovers are a separate breed do not seem to know the meaning of “WHOA” enough is enough.  Your dream is not only within your heart, your horse holds it as well: remember,  just  one more inch.

I am off to gather enough courage to take on one more inch of a dream of my own.

Never give up.
Remember: Be the whinny
Don’t miss out on any of our Daily inspirations, Join today, and get these sent directly to your email. You won’t want to miss one day.

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Marie Edstrom
CEO Knot-A-Tail
Authentic Cowboy Horse hair gear and Cowgirl Jewelry
Come for a visit, and leave your story.

Published in: on December 11, 2009 at 5:54 pm  Comments (3)  
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What’s in a Horse’s name

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse Lover’ Soul

A number of years ago we had two colts born on the same day, and since my favorite author has always been  Charles Dickens,   we named one Charlie and one Dickens.

As part of their early halter  training, the colts were taken  out for a walk on a morning adventure without their mother.

We had just finished our  morning walk so, as  I sat down on an upside down water tan.  I sat and watched while Dickens munched on some  fresh spring grass.    I had him on a nice long lounge line while I carefully watch over him.   He  soon would live up to his name and become  quite the little Dickens.

He  would look over his shoulder, look directly at me, and then took a few steps backwards, and then go back  to eating.  Then again he looked over his should, looked at me and took two steps backward  right towards me and then go back to eating.

I thought it was the oddest thing, him backing up the entire 20 feet in this manner.  As he was just a few feet from me, he let me have it with both hind feet. That little Dickens knock me head over heels off the back of that water tank.

It did not really hurt.  It was so ridiculously funny, I could not stop laughing. Who knew that I would be still telling that story 25 years later.  Oh, by the way I never did name another horse Dickens.

At the moment, I am in the middle of a Blizzard with sub-below weather and the kindergarten school has been closed for two days.   I am babysitting my two grandchildren for two weeks, as their mom is off training for the Army.

Yesterday, did not go well.    Tyrant,  dickens, on purpose, trouble maker,  crossed my mind and sometimes my lips on several different occasions yesterday as the little one found so many things to get into.

That colt  Dickens,  sure wanted my attention  and he found a way to make sure that I knew it.  Last night I realized  that my  six year old granddaughter did too.

So this morning, I made up my mind  to change just how I looked at her, and changed the words and names that I would use for the day.    Brilliant, perfect, amazing, artist,  you sure are good at that, helpful,  princess has crossed my lips all morning.

What a difference those wonderful names has been today.   While  I am posting on Daily Oats and she is sitting next to me making the prettiest pictures and we, together are creating great memories.

Sooner or later, we come to believe about ourselves what other people  speak to us.  We learn early to define who we are by the words that other speak to us.   At an early  age, we believe  what those around us tell us,  even worse, we still do as adults.  I still, at times,  believe what  others tell me who  they think I am.  It is human nature, heck even Dickens believed in his name

Make a difference today in the lives of those around you, just by changing the names you  speak, and watch your world change, but even more so, watch first hand how their worlds change.

My lesson, be the change, and never, never name a horse Dickens.

Change the world,  just  be the Whinny

Don’t miss out on any of our Daily inspirations, Join today, and get these sent directly to your email. You won’t want to miss one day.

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Marie Edstrom
CEO Knot-A-Tail
Authentic Cowboy Horse hair gear and Cowgirl Jewelry

Published in: on December 10, 2009 at 7:39 pm  Comments (4)  
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Iron Shod Feet

Daily Oats:  Food for the horse lover’s soul
The hooves of horses!
Oh! witching and sweet
Is the music earth steals from the iron-shod feet;
No whisper of lover, no trilling of bird,
Can stir me as much as hooves of horses
Have stirred.
~Will H. Ogilvie

Remember: Be the whinny

Don’t miss out on any of our Daily inspirations, Join today, and get these sent directly to your email. You won’t want to miss one day.

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Marie Edstrom
CEO Knot-A-Tail
Authentic Cowboy Horse hair gear and Cowgirl Jewelry

Published in: on December 10, 2009 at 2:29 am  Leave a Comment  
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Easy rider

Daily Oats: food for the Horse lover’s soul

Change is just an exciting little challenge that is added to our life to make our life an extreme adventure.

If you have ever started teaching a horse to change leads, you know that you have  work with your horse very  patiently and just keep letting him try, do the same for your self.  Change can happen, if you only keep trying.

If my horse can do a mid air, flying lead then so can I and so can you.

For today, enjoy the adventure, but take your horse with you for  a   ride  like no other.  Go beyond the adventure and find your dreams.

Remember: Be the whinny
Don’t miss out on any of our Daily inspirations, Join today, and get these sent directly to your email. You won’t want to miss one day.

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Marie Edstrom
CEO Knot-A-Tail
Authentic Cowboy Horse hair gear and Cowgirl Jewelry

Once you come for a visit, you will stay for the fun.

Knot-a-tail is an adventure all of it’s own.

Published in: on December 8, 2009 at 4:15 pm  Comments (2)  
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I can fly

Daily Oats: food for the horse lover’s soul

I am a Cowgirl, and I can fly without wings.
I just climb on my favorite stead, and close my eyes.
I know he will take me to places I have never been.

I may not have been to Congress or to World
But I know that, it is within my horse’s heart
That we are the greatest that has ever been told.

I am a Cowgirl, and I can fly without wings.
I just climb on my favorite stead, and close my eyes.
To create memories that allow my soul to sing
Remember: Be the whinny
Don’t miss out on any of our Daily inspirations, Join today, and get these sent directly to your email. You won’t want to miss one day.

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Marie Edstrom
CEO Knot-A-Tail
Authentic Cowboy Horse hair gear and Cowgirl Jewelry
Once you come for a visit you will stay for the fun.

Published in: on December 8, 2009 at 4:08 pm  Comments (6)  
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Honored equine

Daily Oats:  food for the Horse lovers soul

Too few times in our life time do we get honored for our achievements especially within the horse world.  One show leads to another with ribbons and honors hanging on bedroom walls for few to see.  Both simple and great deeds remain unnoticed  by the horse world for the animal and the handler.

I want to let you know that we care about what you have accomplished.

Check out our newest Honored Equine page.

If you have Knot-A-Tail’s next honored equine or know of someone who does, just let us  know.

Stop by and visit Knot-A-Tail’s Honored equine Page.

These are great reads about great horse and some mules.

Just for today, tell us what you have accomplished.

Share the fears that you have overcome to have the life with your horse.

Remember: Be the whinny
Don’t miss out on any of our Daily inspirations, Join today, and get these sent directly to your email. You won’t want to miss one day.

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Marie Edstrom
CEO Knot-A-Tail
Authentic Cowboy Horse hair gear and Cowgirl Jewelry
Once you come for a visit, you will stay for the fun

Published in: on December 7, 2009 at 6:21 pm  Comments (3)  
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The power within

Daily Oats: food for the horse lover’s soul.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Just for today, I will find a way, no matter how small, to make a difference in someones life.   I have the compete power to touch someone’s life and make a change.  Now that is power and being powerful.

Won’t you join me?

Image, you standing next to your horse, and he so gently tucks his chin over your shoulder and pulls you close.  Within that silence, your two souls collide.  Your arms so quickly fly around him to hug him back.  The power of the horse comes from within his open, loving  heart and so does ours.  Let it shine.   It is far to easy to hide how powerful we truly are behind our pain.

Today, I will leave my fear at the barn door, and Cowgirl-up to create the life I was meant to live.

How about you?  Join me.

For today, capture the spirit of the horse within.

Love Roberta

Published in: on December 7, 2009 at 6:10 pm  Comments (2)  
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