Along the Dusty Trail

I found this poem on a friends page and thought it might touch a few of you. I hope you enjoy.

Along the Dusty Trail

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she’s seen some better days,
she’s eating up my profits,
and costs a lot for hay.

Another horse would suit me,
a stronger one at that,
shes seen a lot of miles
just like my cowboy hat.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she helped me herd my steer,
I’m pretty sure shes magic,
I know I hold her dear.

Another horse would suit me,
one that can run fast,
maybe one that’s younger,
or maybe one that lasts.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she’s long and far in tooth,
my children do remember,
her fondly from their youth.

Another horse would suit me,
a gelding in his prime,
one that needs less fixin’,
that helps me save a dime.

Why, they asked, then keep her?
why not trade her now?
bring her to an auction?
replace her with a cow?

The Rancher’s brow grew heavy,
he took a staggered step,
his eyes did show his hardships,
in wrinkles, as they crept.

His breath, he took in deeply,
as he poised to say his words,
it’s as if the earth grew silent,
that his message should be heard.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
has given me her life,
I wouldn’t trade for anything,
nor either, would my wife.

Another horse would suit me,
and perhaps someday will come,
but this old gal, I love her,
she is the chosen one.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
her service she did lend,
her and I, have seen the years,
this old horse, she is my friend.

Another horse would suit me well,
but her home is here to keep,
I owe her sanctuary,
my love for her is deep.

Another horse would suit me well,
and younger days for me,
and I will keep my promise,
until our last breaths, set us free.”


I sure hope you are getting ready for the Holiday season: Country style anyway.

Be the envy of your horse loving friends.

I have also been saving DIY Horse craft ideas on Pinterest that is fun and always being updated.

Come for a visit and let your imagination go.

I also have a board for Horse shoe nails and Barbed wire ideas. Some are so amazing. Lots and lots of ideas to take your passion to new heights.

I hope you join me as you get ready for the Holidays.

Have a Happy Holiday season.

Just WHINNNNNY and enjoy the ride!

Daily Oats: Livin for the whinny


If you are looking for a way to keep your connection forever, why not try one of Knot-a-Tail’s horse hair bracelets.

Knot-a-Tail has a very large selection.
Horse lovers horsehair bracelets by Roberta at Knot-a-Tail

Knot-a-Tail’s horse hair bracelets make a great Christmas gift for any horse lover.
Knot-a-Tail’s horsehair bracelets

For even more wonderful whinny’,

Visit us at Knot-A-Tail Where your Passion continues!

Visit us on Facebook

DIY Christmas horse crafts: a horse lovers dream

Almost every horse lover I know is pretty crafty.

With the Holiday season coming up fast, I thought you might like this YouTube video on how to make this Christmas horse reef yourself.

Christmas horse reef:  How fun and it is way too adorable.
Christmas horse reef from Roberta at Knot-a-Tail

Be the envy of your horse loving friends.

I have also been saving DIY Horse craft ideas on Pinterest that is fun and always being updated.

Come for a visit and let your imagination go.

I also have a board for Horse shoe nails and Barbed wire ideas.  Some are so amazing.  Lots and lots of ideas to take your passion to new heights.

I hope you join me as you get ready for the Holidays.

Have a Happy Holiday season.

Just WHINNNNNY and enjoy the ride!

Daily Oats: Livin for the whinny


If you are looking for a way to keep your connection forever, why not try one of Knot-a-Tail’s horse hair bracelets.

Knot-a-Tail  has a very large selection.
Horse lovers horsehair bracelets by Roberta at Knot-a-Tail

Knot-a-Tail’s horse hair bracelets make a great Christmas gift for any horse lover.
Knot-a-Tail’s horsehair bracelets

For even more wonderful whinny’,

Visit us at Knot-A-Tail Where your Passion continues!

Visit us on Facebook

For The First Time Shared by: Andi Harmon.


Yesterday, for the first time, I was too tired to ride
Yesterday, for the first time, I was afraid I would be hurt if I was thrown
Yesterday, for the first time, I heard someone say my barn was too shabby
Yesterday, for the first time, I let someone tell me I was too pudgy to ride
Yesterday, for the first time, I realized I was old
Yesterday, for the first time, I had to face that I could no longer keep up
Yesterday, for the first time, I had to let go of my dreams
Yesterday, for the first time, I felt my heart break
Yesterday, for the first time, I turned my back on my friend
Yesterday, for the first time, I knew I was done

Today, for the last time, I felt warm, braided leather in my hands.
Today, for the last time, I ran my stirrups up so they wouldn’t bang my mare’s sides
Today, for the last time, I released the buckles on the girth and watched my girl sigh
Today, for the last time, I slowly dropped the bit so it wouldn’t hit her teeth
Today, for the last time, I gave my mare a cookie to thank her for the ride
Today, for the last time, I buried my head in her soft, warm neck
Today, for the last time, I inhaled the sun and the dust in her long winter coat
Today, for the last time, I closed the gate and trudged to the muddy porch
Today, for the last time, I tracked hay and horse hair into my house
Today, for the last time, I pulled off my boots and felt the sting of warm blood returning to my cold toes
Today, for the first time, I cried after my ride
Today, for the first time, I felt my hands shake as I set the saddle on its rack
Today, for the first time, I hugged my young trainer a final goodbye
Today, for the first time, I waited for the new owner’s trailer to arrive
Today, for the first time, I set my boots in a box to go to the Goodwill
Today, for the first time, I sighed at the wear on my riding gloves
Today, for the first time, I had no hay in my hair
Today, for the first time, I did not hear nickering when I opened my back door
Today, for the first time, I felt worse leaving the barn that I did when I entered
Today, for the first time, I had no one to check on before going to bed

Tomorrow, for the first time, I won’t have to buy hay
Tomorrow, for the first time, I can stay in bed longer
Tomorrow, for the first time, I won’t see the poop pile grow
Tomorrow, for the first time, I won’t be able to fly on four legs
Tomorrow, for the first time, I will be sorry I listened
Tomorrow, for the first time, I will regret letting her go
Tomorrow, for the first time, I will be angry at God
Tomorrow, for the first time, I will be angry at myself
Tomorrow, for the first time, I will cry the day away
Tomorrow, for the first time, I will be glad to die

Day after tomorrow, for the first time, I will awaken in tears
Day after tomorrow, for the first time, I will know I was wrong
Day after tomorrow, for the first time, I will defy all the judgment
Day after tomorrow, for the first time, I will ignore my old bones
Day after tomorrow, for the first time, I will return the buyer’s check
Day after tomorrow, for the first time, I will bring my friend home
Day after tomorrow, for the first time, I will take my boots out of the box
Day after tomorrow, for the first time, I will be reborn

For the rest of my life, I will have a horse in my yard
For the rest of my life, I will ignore the cruel judging
For the rest of my life, I will watch the poop pile grow
For the rest of my life, I will have hay in my hair
For the rest of my life, I will track mud in my house
For the rest of my life, I will bury my face in her soft neck
For the rest of my life, I will let my soul fly

For the rest of my life, I will never be alone


We make a Living by what we get, We make a Life by what we give.

Just WHINNNNNY and enjoy the ride!

Daily Oats: Livin for the whinny


If you are looking for a way to keep your connection forever, why not try one of Knot-a-Tail’s bracelet kit.


For even more wonderful whinny’, Visit us at Knot-A-Tail Where your Passion continues!

Visit us on Facebook

All I have learned in my life, I have learned from my horse

• When in doubt, run far, far away.
• You can never have too many treats.
• Passing gas in public is nothing to be ashamed of.
• New shoes are an absolute necessity every 6 weeks.
• Ignore cues. They’re just a prompt to do more work.
• Everyone loves a good, wet, slobbery kiss.
• Never run when you can jog. Never jog when you can walk. And never walk when you can stand still.
• Heaven is eating at least 10 hours a day… and then sleeping the rest.
• Eat plenty of roughage.
• Great legs and a nice rear will get you anywhere. Big, brown eyes help too.
• When you want your way, stomp hard on the nearest foot.
• In times of crisis, take a poop.
• Act dumb when faced with a task you don’t want to do.
• Follow the herd. That way, you can’t be singled out to take the blame.
• A swift kick in the butt will get anyone’s attention.
• Love those who love you back, especially if they have something good to eat.
All I need to know in life I learned from my horse:

Cowgirl ruls from Knot-a-Tail

Greet the world like your horse greets you, as if there is no tomorrow.


Daily Oats: Livin for the whinny

For even more wonderful whinny’, Visit us at Knot-A-Tail ……………………… Where the passion continues with  a  vengeance!

Visit us on Facebook

Thinking spring, so we already those hard to find items our arena  number clips, blanket bars, and number magnet sets.

Arena number holders and show silver.

Published in: on March 14, 2013 at 10:32 pm  Leave a Comment  
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The Christmas Stocking

I am off to try find my granddaughters a treasure for a  Christmas present.  Something that they will  talk about for a least the next week or two that her grandma found the greatest gift.  I do have a few ideas in store.  However, as I look over their rooms, I happen to notice that many of the items I have given them in the past are long gone.

It is funny what we think as a treasure.  One Christmas when cash was extremely tight, I asked my husband what was on his Christmas list and he told me he really wanted some new socks.

I thought SOCKS!, well at least I could afford that.

So I got him, 2 packs, with 3 pairs in each pack.  Just some nice black  dress socks for work.

Well, I couldn’t just wrap them and stick them under the tree.  So I wrapped just one and put that under the tree with a hint on were he could find the next one.

He opened the first, only  to find one,  a half of a pair, and read the note on the inside, he was off. with a great, huge, huge smile on his face.

The first one took him out to the wood shed. From there he went to the grain barrel out in the barn, to his Aussie parka, to his car,  the dog house,  his  saddle bags, out to  his workshop he so happily went,  a 1/2 mile hike to the mail box, and on to a treasured adventure that took nearly 2 hours.

That was the leanest Christmas we ever had, and it was also one of the ones that we would talk about years to come. Even after all these years, when I think about how he laughed, I can not help but smile.  Now there is a Christmas gift.

I have to remember that is not about just the gift, but the love that goes behind it.

This Christmas, it is my greatest wish that you find the love in all of your gifts, both those you give and those you receive.


Happy Holidays

“Livin “ the Whinny!

Greet the world like your horse greets you, as if there is no tomorrow.


Daily Oats: Livin for the whinny

For even more wonderful whinny’, Visit us at Knot-A-Tail ……………………… Where the connection begins!

Visit us on Facebook

Did you know that we give away prizes on Facebook? A LOT OF PRIZES!! Join the fun and celebrate the a horse lovers life enjoying the whinny.

Published in: on December 16, 2011 at 3:23 pm  Comments (1)  

“Dancing with Horses” a symphony for life

Daily Oats: Food for the horse lovers soul

Within the days of my youth, I would spend hours in the barn just listening. Every time when I would feel lonely or lost, I would head to the barn. Behind the silence of the closed barn doors, was music that captured my heart and soul. Music designed by the occasional hoof beat on the wooden planks on the stall floor, the sound of hay being pulled from a hay feeder, the swish of a long tail, the sound of a heavy breath, and I would try to pause as long as I could to hear the sound of the horses enjoying every morsel of oats.

Bri and Ace

It was within the creation of the symphony “Dance with Horses” that made the troubles of the world that would had totally tied in knots, just melt away, even if it was for only a few moments. The music of the horse, allows the world to stop and allowed me to connect with my soul.

It is called unconditional love. It is funny, that even just standing their eating, or just swishing their tail how their love can bring such piece to our hearts.

What I learned in my youth, I still find great comfort in as an adult. When I find myself in those moments of such loneliness or despair, their is nothing better than a trip to the barn and a few moments of complete solitude with someone that allows me to be totally me.

However,  what I realized is those moments of great despair only occur when I am not returning that same unconditional love to those around me.

It is when I forget to show gratitude for the countess blessing in my life, that devastating loneliness and desperation appear and fill me to the such dept that I can no longer cope. I still love the fact I can go to listen to the music in the barn, hug a horse and get lost for a few moments. However, the trouble with the horse fix, is that sooner or later, I have to return to deal with the same situation before I escaped to listen to the music of the barn.

I do not want to find myself only happy when I am out in the barn. In my life, I want more. I want more of truly matters. Along the way, someone gave  me a gratitude rock . You might have heard of them. Just a rock that you sick in your pocket. Then every time you put your hand in your pocket, you count some of the blessings in your life. It allows the word gratitude to sink into our minds and souls.

At my worst moments, shortly after my husband died, I had to make a list and kept it on the frig. I would read it every time I opened the refrigerator door. Here is a sad fact, but so true of many of us: I learned more about gratitude for my life, after my husbands death than every before.

I no longer want to wait till after some tragic event occurs in my life to show those around me the blessing they are to me. I want to offer than whenever they are around me the Symphony of the “Dancing with Horses: a symphony for life. I want to make sure that they know how much they have captured my soul as well.

For today, I will share the music “Dancing with horses” and the peace that lives within their unconditional love, not only with the horses but with all those that cross my path.

I will “be the Gratitude “to all the Whinnies that capture my heart.

During this Holiday Season, please Remember: BE THE WHINNY  and greet the world like your horse greets you, with unconditional love filled the rafters of your life.

Whinny’s  Roberta


We have our wonderful Horse hair bracelets on sale:  Take a look:  Horse hair Bracelets

Horse Hair Bracelets

Published in: on December 9, 2011 at 11:24 pm  Comments (1)  

Cowgirl ways

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. So saddle-up and  make sure you take your “dream your own impossible” with you on every  ride.

No matter how difficult the challenge, when we spread our wings of faith and allow the winds of God’s spirit to lift us, no obstacle is too great to overcome.” – Roy Lessin

I am a Cowgirl, and I can fly without wings I just climb on my favorite steed and I close my eyes, for I know that it is within my horse’s heart, I have found the greatest love there has ever been.

Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared. – Be inspired with the beauty of the love of a horse and the greatness of your own heart.

Give a horse what he needs, and in return.. He will give you his heart.

Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. It is the way every Cowgirl learns to ride.

I only wish I was a forgiving to myself as my horse and my dogs are to me.

Do you ever wonder, when you are out by the barn, how such a little bird can make such a beautiful song, like it they were singing just in the joy of seeing you? I am that  tiny bird with my own  big song!

The toughest part of getting to the top of the class, is making sure you at the arena’s gate, the same goes with every cowgirls  life.

Always remember this, you just might need it: You can’t run with the big dogs if you pee like a puppy.

The cowgirl way: Use a short rope, a sweet smile, and a hot brand Laugh loudly, Pray often, Feel deeply, Express fearlessly, Play hard, Work joyously, Commit totally, Touch tenderly, live consciously, Love a horse and Ride like you stole it

Published in: on June 12, 2011 at 1:21 am  Leave a Comment  

The comfortable saddle

Did you ever have that one saddle that you would grab off the saddle racks first?  The one that fit you the best.  The stirrups hung just right,  the seat fit just right, the one that no matter how long you rode, nothing seemed to bother you, not even your bad knee.

It just seemed to make your ride a little better.  It was just total comfort and pure pleasure on your favorite horse.

I had one like that. It was a Circle Y, dark chocolate, high back saddle.  The stirrups were set perfectly just a little further back than most people liked. I could spend hours in that saddle out in the arena training.   I just made me feel at home.

As some of you know, I just had to move from Arizona, back to Wisconsin. In the middle of winter no less.   I am helping take care of my two grand daughters.  I have to admit, I love hearing their voices, even when they are fighting.  I feel  very blessed.

The reason I had to mention comfort, was that it comes in all forms.   I used to make the dollar stretch at meal time and I got very good at it.  I even had a cheap meal for a tuna hot dish.

I was wondering what to make for dinner for all the girls, when my daughter asked me to make my Tuna hot-dish.  I made that dish to make a cheap meal to feed an entire family, but in a second, I realized to her, it was comfort.

Just like that old high back saddle of mine, the one I took out when I wanted to wash some of the world off my shoulders, that tuna hot-dish recipe to her was a way to feel love, security and moments to lift her spirits.

So I grabbed two boxes of Mac n cheese and made them up, added the butter, cheese, and milk, one can on tuna, one can of mushroom soup, 1/8 cup of soy sauce, 1/4 cup  Parmesan  cheese and 1/2 c of sour cream. Mixed it all up, but it in baking  dish. Next, I  added lots of Chinese noodles on top.  Cooked for 20 minutes, at 365 and serve.

They devoured it.  I sat there with a smile on my face, realizing that my daughter was enjoying the simple things that we had when she was little: comforts of home.

For today, just enjoy the whinny.  They are the comfort to the soul of every horseman.  Just remember to try to share those same greeting with everyone you pass.

Published in: on March 11, 2011 at 1:00 am  Comments (2)  

Stable relationships

For me, this one is the longest training program that I have ever been involved in.

How to keep your stable neat and tidy.

I have a wonderful friend that I met back in the spring of  1969.   Well, that sure dates me.   But from the moment I meet her,  I could see that her horses were her number one priority in her life.   I have seen that woman, even at the age of 60 plus, rise early every morning, muck out the stalls,  wash out the water buckets,  measure the feed for every horse, clean out any left over hay, clean every hoof, brush every horse, hang up every piece of tack,  put away every brush and before she left the barn, the aisle way, every if they were dirt floors, leave it clean enough to eat off of.  It was first ranked and then a broom used to add one finale touch of elaborate elegance.

I am not kidding, she picks up every little piece of hay, sweeps around every stall door and then ranks it to a welcoming garden of perfection for all visitors to see.

Trust me, you have never seen anything like it.

Her barns are always welcoming, warm, neat, tidy and act as the ultimate opening to any horse lovers conversation ” Oh my gosh, what a clean barn!”

It has always been just who she is, and if you are close to her at all,  you know that you can not hurry her though her daily routine, or get her to change it in any way.   She puts great value on how she leaves her chores done and has carried that forward for the last 40 plus years of her life.  It has become an intimate part of her life.

Personally, you may think sweeping and ranking the barn floor may be a little extreme, but to tell you the truth I admire her for it.  Forty years of total dedication  to the horse’s in her life, no matter what anyone thinks about the way she does it has never altered her course.  She never sways, never alters,  and  most of all, no matter, what she never gives up.  She leaves the barn only when perfection is accomplished.

At this moment, I want her to give me some of that all, no matter what attitude.

I am fifty plus and I do not have such “Stable Relationships” in my life.  I still get swayed by what others say about my life, especially when they are close to my heart.

At the first signs of trouble, I forget to sweep and rake the floors to clean up any left over  garbage from the day before.

I recently went to see family, and I left a lot of hay and crap  in the aisle from both  me  and others without cleaning it up before I left.  In fact, subconsciously, I believed that someone else should clean it up  for me.  Now the crap is piling a little higher everyday just because I gave my power away to take care and develop my relationships by leaving the mess for  someone else to clean up and no less to clean up their way.  Then,  they do it their way, I get mad.  How funny.

Family, in fact, any relationship can be like an unattended stall and one morning you “suddenly” realize that you have a lot of extremely hard work to do to get them healthy again.

Another words you  might just have to shovel a lot of shit to get it back to where it should be.

Well, I am off to grab a shovel, find a wheel barrel and start cleaning a few stalls this morning and once I get them cleaned, I am going to dedicate myself to keeping them that way making sure before I leave the barn to take one last look to make sure the aisle is swept clean and ranked to perfection.

When I get my own self-righteousness, my temper and my  ego out of the way, my heart is more open to love and complete understanding, no matter what.  I just have to remember that when they are the closest to my heart.

So here is to keeping my stable, neat and tidy.

By the way,  thanks Ginger for the life lesson.


Please let me know if you have  any stall cleaning to do  today.  I would love to know how you are doing.

Love Roberta

Published in: on August 10, 2010 at 5:59 pm  Comments (6)  

The #1 rule that I learned from John Lyons

I love reading all of John Lyons books, magazines and articles.

I think horse training started to take on new meaning with his gentling methods. Backyard horse man took on training and got results that they never dreamed was possible.

One of the greatest thing that I learned was where his nose goes, the rest follows. Easy enough, but when you first start to learn about John’s theories you have to keep reminding yourselves about which end you want to get moving.

I love to work with a horse when they first start learning to watch the handler. You can see that they are thinking, they start to get very active in their responses. I ofter wonder if they are having as much fun as I am. This theory about where ever their nose goes, the body will follow is the very thing I need in my own life.

Let me explain.

I got up late, rushed, worried about not getting everything done, got a little cussy while  all morning as things were not at all going my way.   The day started with handling a few customer complaints,  a wrong order, I even got the wrong coffee order at Starbucks, what could be worse than that.   It seemed like a million little things were on my shoulders and none of them would come off.   As John Wayne would say, I was burning daylight and a  lot of it without  getting any thing done. Meanwhile, after heading for the post office,  I need just a few items from the store, so I thought I would stop to pick them up.

That should take me only a few minutes and I would be back on the road. I had a pile on my desk that really needed me but I certainly thought I had time to stop at WalMart.

Of course, at that moment,  the only parking spot was out across the back forty.  I hurried up grabbed a cart, I  picked up a few grocers,  moaned about the things that I couldn’t find  on my list,  and at the last moment, I picked up some of their flavored water that has Zero sugar, zero calories, zero everything and in record time, I was  headed for the self service check out.

Nothing would scan, in fact the water wouldn’t register at all.  I was about to leave everything at the check out and leave when an older customer service gal saw me having  problems and came over to assist me.   She tried over and over again to get the bottles of water to scan, but nothing.  Finally she said, ” I got this” and  she started  to input all those UPC in my hand.  So there I stood, frustrated, because I had bought these many times before and they were in their system, but not now. How can they just disappear?

I am at this check-out for about 25 minutes now.

The  lady gets all done and only one of them comes up on my slip.  She had done  the rest wrong.
She closes out my order and takes me, my cart and all my items up  to her register  and starts again. I am continually telling her that it is alright, lets just forget about it an I will be on my way.

“No, No she says, we will get this taken care of.”

Minutes pass, and more and more and more and more’ and my frustration builds and builds and builds and at this point, I am not nice any more.

Forty-five minutes into this checkout for eight bottles of water, when  I hear a little voice in side of me say “where the nose goes, the body will follow.”

At that moment I realize that I had  forgot the basic of who I am. I know, with out a doubt that I am the creator of my day, my world, my life. What is in my world, I put there. It is the Law of Attraction at its finest. After all it is the law and it treats everyone the same.  Good or bad, frustrated or not, I put it there. “Where my mind goes, my day will follow.”

My hurry-up, getting a little pissy,  frustrated, what is wrong with you and your store, everything is going wrong attitude in my thinking was creating just that and just to keep granting my wishes, it keep giving me more to be frustrated about. I let me nose go in so the wrong direction. In an instant I thanked the lady for all hard work and her thoughtfulness. I told her that I appreciated her determination to make sure that I had all the items that I needed. I apologized for my short temper. I shear, within seconds that I was all done and checked out.

I headed for the back forty where my care was parked, and with every step I found gratitude for the extra exercise. When I got to the car, I put my groceries in the front seat along side of me and I just sat there until I know that I had completely changed my attitude. The entire time, I heard John Lyons keep saying, Where that nose goes, the body will follow.

I had let me thoughts get negative, and without even realizing it, I had turned into one of those people at the check out that you don’t like to talk to because they about to complain about every thing. My Nose was really way out of line.

So here is a round pen reminder, Keep your nose going in the right direction of your life goals.   Keep your thoughts focused on the life you want to create and everything will just fall in line.

And keep reminding yourself  WHERE THE NOSE GOES, THE BODY WILL FOLLOW.
Ready to change your life and “Live “ the Whinny!

Greet the world like your horse greets you, as if there is no tomorrow.

Let it all go and just be the WHINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY!!

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

Love Roberta

Roberta Edstrom

Hay, check out our new bargain page. Lots of great deals that change every week.

Let some of your pain go, and tell your story on Knot-a-Tail’s Horse memorial page. Help a another horse and send your story to
For every story that is posted to the memorial page, Knot-a-Tail donates a dollar to the local Horse rescue to help save the life of another horse. Your story can help save a life.

Your horse changed your life, and you can help change the life of another, together united by the love of a horse.

Visit Roberta on Facebook

Published in: on July 12, 2010 at 7:46 pm  Leave a Comment  
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