Green Broke

Daily Oats: Food for the horse lovers soul

The one thing with a Green broke horse, is the fact you always better be ready for a surprise.

I want to always stay Green Broke.

I like the surprises in my life.  My husband used to tell me all the time when I was at the end of my rope:  “Don’t worry, you’re just building  character”.  Lord only knows how much I miss that man.  I have to admit, sometimes,  I would reply, “I got enough character, Thank you very much’ .

I am wondering if you can remain green broke and still be a wise old fool.  I have a tendency to do the same thing for days,  eat the same meal for days with very little change.  I get stuck in a rut very easily.

Let me ask if this sounds familiar: get out of bed, grab coffee, see if there is any leftovers in the fridge for breakfast and head for the barn.  Lord help me if I have to go to town for feed, that means lunch at the first Fast food place between my fourth or fifth cup of coffee, finish-up chores, make dinner, clean up and time for bed.

I am getting far too old to be stuck in the same rut, being the “unfaltering  Ranch horse” that never misses a beat, taking care of everyone that asks anything from me.  Need to walk: I got it.   Need to trot: that’s me.   Need a gallop: hang on- let’s go!

There is one great problem with always being ready and always doing what every one else asks me  to do, I forget to enjoy my own life.  I forget to take care of myself.

The Green Broke horse never thinks like that.  He is always in the mind frame, what is in it for me.  Just take that Green broke horse past one plastic garbage bag on the side of the road, and see just what he will say.   The odds are, he is thinking, “Buck like hell or head to the barn ASAP! When I was younger,  I have gone for a few ” Hang-on for my life, get to the barn as fast as I can, rides and I am happy to say, I made it.

I think for today, I will pretend that I am still a young  Green broke, buck all way to the barn, and  create a few of my own surprises.  I am just going to let go of the training of yesterday and  find myself some  mischief for the day.

Get my hoofs trimmed, add some supplements my feeding schedule,  find a new saddle blanket to add to my own wardrobe and kick my heels up all the way out of the barn.

Never again in my life do I  want to get to the point in my life that I am only listening to what someone else tells me to do with my  life and how to do it.  I want the surprises.  I want the plastic garbage bags along side the road.  I want to act like a green broke filly making a complete fool out of myself!

I am going to put a little mischief in my day today, and see the reaction on my own face.  I am thinking it just might be one great big smile.

Just for today, Enjoy being  Green Broke creating  a few well deserved Bucks in your own life.

No matter where you are right at this minute, just WHINNY as loud as you can and greet this world  like never before!!

Just be the WHINNY!

Daily Oats: Food for the Horse lover’s soul

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Love Roberta

Roberta Edstrom
Authentic Cowboy Horse hair gear and Cowgirl Jewelry

Published in: on January 4, 2010 at 3:56 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Thanks Roberta for making my day!

    A very big Whinny to you!!


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